Computational Structural & Systems Biology
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Current Members

  • Yu Cheng, Ph.D. student
  • Zachary Grimard, Masters student (joint with Codruta Ignea)
  • Yilun Han, Ph.D. student
  • Leah Pollet, Ph.D. student
  • Morten Raadam, Ph.D. student (joint with Codruta Ignea)
  • Justin Seyedmoomenkashi, Masters student (joint with Codruta Ignea)
  • Ting-Yi Su, Ph.D. student
  • Wan-Chun Su, Ph.D. student
  • Eric Sun, Undergraduate student (joint with Jasmin Coulombe-Huntington)
  • Yu (Brandon) Xia, Principal Investigator
  • Ritchie Yu, Undergraduate student (joint with Jasmin Coulombe-Huntington)
  • Chenxi Zhang, Undergraduate student

Past Graduate Students & Research Associates

Past Undergraduate & High School Students


Yu (Brandon) Xia Lab  |  Department of Bioengineering  |  McGill University